Skill Crafters is a pay for performance operation from beginning to end...
Our system meets the employers' needs, as they only pay for what they actually receive. It also simultaneously serves the needs of the workers by ensuring that they get the best quality training available. Since employers only want to spend money on what will actually produce qualified workers, then by doing so, they ensure that only qualified workers are produced. It is a win-win system, which can be expanded on exponentially.
...that there are costs associated with the hiring, training, retaining and placing of non-skilled and skilled workers. In fact, the costs have risen dramatically over the past 5 years, due to the major shortage of workers.
In order to accomplish our goals, we derive revenue from several sources in order to meet the needs of workers, the trainers and ultimately, the employers who need them. Construction and Energy companies have invested Billions of dollars into these types of programs however; they seldom got more than a report telling them that they still have a problem.
Veteran's Training is a pay for performance operation from top to bottom and beginning to end and as a part of that system, we work with employers, who in turn, donate a fee to Veteran's Training, and that in turn, supports the system and the Veteran's that are entering into our system, thereby ensuring a continuous supply of newly trained and re-trained Veterans.